Exercise your engineering skills online

Virtual Lab focuses on practical training and lab work, offering a variety of academic subjects across all age groups. Through this approach, Virtual Lab aims to ease the learning process by involving students in practical activities carried out in a virtual laboratory using technologies such as 3D and Virtual Reality. Virtual Lab offers courses in the fundamental and technical fields of engineering with specific themes for the university and pre-university education environment. Our courses come in support of the senior high school or students who want additional class and exam preparation, or university entrance exams.

Our platform focus on a variety of courses in the fields: Calculus, Algebra, Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Energetics, Fluid Mechanics, Electronics, Electrotechnics, Quantum Physics, Optics, Robotics, Mechatronics, Sensors, Machine Tools, Machine Tool Processing and Telecommunications.


Virtually learn, practice & become a master in engineering

Each course will be achieved on different levels of difficulty, depending on the level of studies. All courses will be structured in 10-12 interactive lessons, the theoretical technical notions being highlighted through graphic examples and simulations, and each lesson will be accompanied by a virtual laboratory.

Theory without practice is nothing. And practice without theory is like children’s play. Therefor, Virtual Lab proposes a new approach to learning, through simplicity, interactivity, and dynamism, for an effortless process of development, both personally and professionally.



We’ve build this platform for flexibility and a better learning experience.

3D Assembly Simulation

Simulate the assembly of mechanical and electromechanical components

Academic Subjects

Thematics approached are from a variety of academic fields

Accessibility and Flexibility

No need for installation of other software or programs

Interactive Learning

Contains interactive courses specific to the dealt thematics


Build complex mechanical components step by step

Fully Responsive

Available on laptop, tablet and phone

Laboratories designed for Virtual Reality

One of our objectives is to create more than 100 labs that will function with Virtual Reality to make it more appealing and interactive for our target. Nowadays, Virtual Reality is THE thing that changes how the world functions, break the barriers of reality, and sets free the imagination. It is also a very powerful tool that helps people of all ages to learn fast and in an immersive manner, from different fields. More than this, it is educational in a fun way!
We, at Virtual Lab, have tried to close in youngsters and educational institutes passionate by engineering, to help them grow into this domain, to let them explore another way of learning, one that will make a big difference in their lives!


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Why Virtual Laboratories?

It can be used by any user in their own home without having to travel to an institution with specialized equipment.
There is no need for the physical existence of technical systems to visualize how they look, how they work, how they interact, and what their components are.
Assembly/disassembly of the systems/equipment can be performed whenever it is needed to see which are the component parts and how it works.
Inside a virtual lab can be in the same place an unlimited number of assemblies, components and technical systems.
Access to the components of a physical assembly is difficult compared with those of a virtual one. In the virtual environment, the components of the technical systems can be visualized and identified individually.
Virtual Reality can be used in working with mechanical systems so that the interaction between the operator and the system is as close as possible to the real one.
There are no risk of accidents or dangers in the virtual environment.

Virtual Labs


Themes Aborded


Engineering Solutions


Complex Assemblies

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